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cbdMD寵物口服油採用獸醫條配配方Superior Broad Spectrum formula,萃取自美國產地高品質漢麻。不單單只是寵物食品,同樣也是人類食品等級CBD。










紐約證交所上市公司 | 美國漢麻 | 有機原料 | THC低於10ppm

cbdMD - 寵物用口服油 1500mg(花生醬口味)



  • CBD種類

    廣光譜(Broad Spectrum)






    1500 mg / 一管CBD含量: 50 mg



    漢麻萃取物(98%天然大麻素: CBD、CBG、CBN)、MCT油、天然香料。

  • CBD有什麼益處?
    根據2015年發表於《PubMed - National Library of Medicine》中的一項研究指出,CBD具有治療癲癇以及舒緩焦慮感的功效。且CBD能與CB1、CB2受體以及神經系統中產生相互作用,在相關動物研究中也有顯著的效果證明。 ​ CBD最普遍的益處包刮:​ 幫助睡眠 幫助關節炎 幫助放鬆 保護神經系統 減輕壓力和焦慮 緩解疼痛 抗憂鬱 增加專注力 癲癇治療 阿茲海默症 帕⾦森⽒症 風濕性關節炎 CBD透過內源性大麻素系統(ECS)的受體作用調節情緒、食慾、睡眠周期以及其他神經系統。查看我們的 CBD知識+ 了解更多CBD的益處。
  • 應該攝取多少CBD?(人&寵物) 服用前需要注意什麼?
    建議用量: 25mg - 100mg開始攝取,每天兩次,若服用一陣子後感覺效果不明顯可以再自行增加服用次數&劑量。需跟藥物服用時間隔開1小時左右。 🐶🐱寵物每公斤餵食1mg - 2.5mg,每天使用兩次或視生體狀況可自行增加劑量與次數。盡量跟藥物隔開2小時左右服用。 口服油服用方法: 🧴輕輕搖勻油瓶,以確保天然成分混合均勻。一次服用0.5ml(半管) 至 1ml(一管) 😋將油滴管放在舌下,在吞嚥前含 60-90 秒 軟糖: 含在口中等待融化吸收 口服油滴管刻度示意圖 👨‍🚀 服用CBD前避免食用葡萄柚。CBD有可能與某些藥物產生藥物交互作用,如有任何疑慮請與您的醫生詢問。 如服用CBD後有不良反應請立即停止使用。
  • CBD油應該如何使用?
    👨‍🚀 CBD口服油 - 將CBD油滴在舌下,含約60秒左右再吞下。每日2次或有需要時服用。 👉 建議跟藥物服用時間隔開2小時左右。 👨‍🚀 CBD有可能與某些藥物產生藥物交互作用,如有任何疑慮請與您的醫生詢問。
  • CBD會上癮嗎?
    👨‍🚀 不會,CBD無精神活性,不會使人上癮。自然原力販賣的產品皆不含THC,請安心食用。
  • 檢驗報告怎麼看?
    紅色框起來的資訊就是此產品的THC含量: Not Detected = 未檢出。
  • 如何妥善保存CBD?
    品質好的CBD有效期限平均為2年左右。 建議收納在乾燥涼爽、無陽光直射的地方。


​感謝您的訂閱! 優惠碼已傳送到您的電子信箱🚀​​

台灣 Taiwan
San Francisco, USA


FDA Disclaimer: The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from health care practitioners. Please consult your healthcare professional about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any product. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act require this notice.

THC-free is defined as undetectable at the lowest level which can be consistently detected using valid scientific analytical tools. cbdnatureforce solely sells THC free CBD products on this website. This product is not for use by or for sale to persons under the age of 18. This product should be used only as directed on the label. It should not be used if you are pregnant or nursing. Consult with a physician before use if you have a serious medical condition or use prescription medications. A doctor's advice should be sought before using this and any supplemental dietary product. All trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners and are not affiliated with, nor do they endorse these products. By using this site, you agree to follow the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions printed on this site. Void where prohibited by law. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

*All sales will appear as Healthy San & Chri on Credit Card Statement


Some images & icons are created by Freepik and Darius Dan from flaticon, and bs_k1d on Freepik.  

© 2025 by Healthy San&Chri

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